2016 Probate Regulation Presentation Materials
The 2021 proposed rule to revise regulations governing probate of Indian property was initially discussed back in 2016 where DOI requested input on whether and how to revise probate regulations 25 CFR 15 and 43 CFR 30.
The DOI held consultation sessions on Tuesday, July 12, 2016 and Wednesday, July 13th, 2016 for tribal input.
From the DOI website:
Previously in 2016, the Department of the Interior conducted two Tribal consultation sessions with federally recognized Tribes across the country to provide a forum for Tribes to share insights and make recommendations related to the probate of Indian estates. Specifically, three areas have been identified for modification which would have an immediate impact in streamlining the probate process. Additional information on these potential areas is provided in the following PowerPoint: Draft Probate Revisions Presentation.
The Department also hosted a listening session on Monday, June 27th, 2016 in Spokane, Washington, in conjunction with the National Congress of American Indians mid-year conference. In addition, the comment period for the 2016 consultation sessions closed on August 1, 2016. The comment period for the ANPRM closed on Monday, December 30, 2019.
If you have any questions or comments, I can be reached at Roberta@IndianWillsOnWheels.org