BIA Division(s) of Probate

The background information on the Bureau of Indian Affair process for probating Indian estates are reflected in the number of agencies within an agency. For example, based on the two descriptions of the following divisions, it’s unclear if these are same or duplicate functions within the BIA in handling of Indian probates. The complete list of proposed changes to include the Bureau regulations can be found here:

The Division of Probate and Estate Services works to conserve the trust estate of a deceased individual Indian, to assist the Office of Hearings and Appeals with the probate of their trust assets, to pay claims, and to timely distribute the trust estate to the determined heirs/beneficiaries. For additional information about the DPES and their contact number can be found here.

The primary mission of the Division of Probate is to compile inventories of Indian Trust assets and family information, and to coordinate the timely distribution of trust assets with the Office of Hearings and Appeals, Land Titles and Records Office and the Office of the Special Trustee (Bureau of Trust Funds Administration). For additional information about the Division of Probate and their contact number can be found here.

If you have any questions or comments, I can be reached at
Ms. Roberta Armstrong, Attorney
  • Ms. Roberta Armstrong, Attorney
  • Licensed Attorney - focused on Indian Estate Planning services and Educational Outreach.

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