Today, Thursday February 11, 2021 (2 pm EST, 11 am PST, noon CST, Arizona), the Department of Interior will hold a Public Session on the new proposed …
Today, Tuesday February 9, 2021, the Department of Interior held a tribal consultation session on the new proposed rules for the American Indian Proba…
Today, Tuesday February 9, 2021, the Department of Interior will hold a tribal consultation session on the posted new proposed rules for the American …
There are two different statutes governing probate of Indian estates. The governing statute is the Indian Land Consolidation Act as amended by AIPRA, …
The background information on the Bureau of Indian Affair process for probating Indian estates are reflected in the number of agencies within an agenc…
Suppose you understand the complexity of Indian probate. In that case, you will be better able to join the discussion of the Department of Interior's …
Yesterday, Friday February 5, 2021, the Department of Interior posted its 38-page presentation material providing an overview of the proposed rule to …
The 2021 proposed rule to revise regulations governing probate of Indian property was initially discussed back in 2016 where DOI requested input on wh…